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Max Blagg

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Max Blagg
Max Blagg is an English-born poet, writer, artist, and performer living in NYC since 1972. He is the author of four collections of poetry and has collaborated with several artists, including Alex Katz, Jack Pierson, Richard Prince, and Keith Sonnier. Blagg co-edited the legendary art/lit/tit magazine, Bald Ego, with Glenn O’Brien and he teaches at the School of Visual Arts. He recently published a semi-faux memoir, Ticket Out, and a new collection of poems, Slow Dazzle, is forthcoming. He has performed in many venues including the Kitchen, Guggenheim Museum, St. Mark’s Church, CBGB, and the Nuyorican’s Poet’s café, and has been published in numerous magazines including Bomb, Interview, and Village Voice. His text-inscribed typewriter covers have been exhibited at Showroom Gallery, NYC, and most recently at 6DecadesBooks, NYC.

Artworks by Max Blagg
