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Betty Tompkins

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Betty Tompkins
For the last forty years, Betty Tompkins has based her paintings on the tension of intimacy and representation of sexuality, rendering explicit scenes in monochromatic tones. Her radicalism in the late 60s led to the unfortunate censoring of her work and later a spotlight on her role in the American and European art scene. Her large-scale, hyper realistic figure paintings are made from erotic photographs and built layer by layer, using two airbrush nozzles to apply black and white acrylic. Her work is not meant to arouse fantasy but to transpose light and shade, the effect of the process enveloping the scene in sfumato. Text and language play a large role in Tompkins work, often driving the subject matter and concept of the piece. Like John Currin’s famous series in 2006 or Paul McCarthy’s sculptures, Tompkins’ work has shocked the art milieu and been confiscated by customs, even in an age of omnipresent pornography.

Artworks by Betty Tompkins
