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Leo Gabin

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Leo Gabin
With their upcoming London debut at White Cube in June and recent solo shows at Elizabeth Dee Gallery, New York; The Cultural Centre, Bruges, Belgium; Peres Projects, Berlin; and the Kunstraum Mueenchen, Munich, the vanguard art trio, Leo Gabin, has recently been on everyone's radar. The three artists behind the Belgian-based collective—Lieven Deconinck, Gaëtan Begerem, and Robin De Vooght—have been working together since the early 2000s and regularly experiment with a variety of media to explore common themes of celebrity, sex, and violence in a fresh way. Posts culled from websites, images shared in online forums, and video clips disseminated through social media often serve as the foundation for their video mash-ups, collages, and silkscreens—which bear some resemblance to Robert Rauschenberg’s work in the mid-60’s. These collected images are often transformed, clipped, and reconstructed to confront the classical notion of artistic ideation and the inherent ephemerality and mercurial nature of contemporary online media.

Artworks by Leo Gabin
