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With a decade of stencil based street activity in Melbourne and abroad Stabs has held up to be one of Melbourne’s most infamous street artists.

Stabs holds an attention to detail that commands respect, often dedicating a solid weeks work into the cutting of a single stencil alone. This committed work ethic along with his unique characters has gained him recognition and placed him amongst Australia’s leading street artists.

Working out of Everfresh studio Stabs has developed his manic characters along with a paint and print practice that has multiple textures, diverse applications and embraces an ephemeral quality where by time and nature add to a desired street aesthetic.

Stabs continues to re-define the public facade amongst our daily travels. Also well traveled internationally and with a true appreciation and knowledge of his surroundings, Stabs is opportunistic in his street work, often capitalising on vacant shop fronts and “sneaky spots” but also in sourcing materials with a “from the streets, for the streets” mentality.

Artworks by Stabs
