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À Deux Doigts

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À Deux Doigts
Anne Chamberland, born in 1987, and Grégoire Canut, born in 1988, live and work in Nantes, France. They met during their studies in LISAA Nantes, where they get their degrees in 2010 and 2009.
Both passionate about drawing and screen printing, they unite their common and personal influences, are interested in artists such as Ludovic Debeurme, Daisuke Ichiba or Stéphane Blanquet.

In 2011, they begin a collaboration under the name « à deux doigts » Their intention is to create a single entity regardless of who carries the line. What matters is the common and shared understanding of the narrative universe, a universe that asks a recurring human material in a dreamlike atmosphere, often cruel, where childhood is at the heart of the story.

Then they begin work in black and white drawing, in ink and rotring and explore in their home workshop the silkscreen medium they use to set color.

Artworks by À Deux Doigts
