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Heather McLean

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Heather McLean
McLean is a translator, converting ideas and experiences into a visual language. She observes and illustrates the human condition, building a bridge between the light and the dark, the disconcerting and the beauty.

Her work addresses the intersection between the phenomenal and the numenal world, specifically using the human form as an outward expression of the internal world, effectively putting the insides on the outside. She examines the man vs. himself conflict, illustrating the many forms of personal civil war, and victory, and the intersection of science and spirituality.

Her main influences include astrophysics, existentialism, quantum mechanics, biology, psychonautics, sci fi, robot dreams, physical and mental yoga, Advaitic Hinduism, and tardigrades. Heather lives and works in Calgary, Canada.

Artworks by Heather McLean
