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Trek 6

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Trek 6
"I have always found intrigue in nonsense. The more odd or inconceivable the concept the more interesting I found it. I envision a world where the the inconceivable becomes the very drive of concept, thus giving a deeper understanding and appreciation for the real and tangible as it sits next to the absurd. This love for the weird helped by an odd sense of humor has been my muse. In works I explore ideas rooted in street art, surrealism,religion and sci-fi but I have a great love for the human condition and enjoy portraits and figure studies as well. I have been exploring these ideas visually through paint and sketching and with the aid of computers have been able to explore them in the digital realm as well. Another big influence on my work has been music, I feel that sound and color go hand in hand and I use sound often as either a driving influence on my visual concept, as seen in my live painting sessions, as imagery or literally exploring soundscapes in some of my sound installations.I use all kinds of software ranging from Adobe products to Maya, Ableton, Reaktor and Max.

I feel that the imagination is a powerful tool and I will continue to indulge in the fruits of offbeat ideas and dreams, and hope that in this exploration of my creativity and documenting my ideas in the future they could be of use and enjoyment to others." - TREK6

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Artworks by Trek 6
