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Gillian Carnegie

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Gillian Carnegie
I prefer to consider the painting as a thing in the world rather than … as a picture of things in the world.'

Gillian Carnegie, who was nominated for the Turner Prize n 2005 uses traditional painterly techniques and skills to push contemporary conceptual ideas in her paintings. Statue is one of two etchings by Gillian Carnegie, Statue and Overlook. Both illustrate aspects of the architecturally striking Holly Lodge Estate in Highgate, London built in the 1920s by the Lady Workers Guild specifically to accommodate single women workers, which has provided subject-matter for a large body of paintings by the artist. In Statue the 1920s figure of a young women quietly ­– and self-sufficiently – reading, reflects the feminist perspective of the original estate in supporting independent women, a theme explored elsewhere in Carnegie's work.

Artworks by Gillian Carnegie
